Kriti Sanon, a brilliant actress who made her acting debut in Bollywood through the film ‘Heropanti’ starring Tiger Shroff as the opposite lead. Kriti’s journey in the Bollywood industry is 8-9 years long and she has come this long with her own abilities, skills and talent. Recently, last month, she won a national award for her performance in Mimi. Not having any acting or Bollywood family background to be a great, well known actress in the Bollywood industry, Kriti has won everything by herself. Thus, whenever it comes to talking about ‘Nepotism’ in the industry, many have asked Kriti about it and finally she shared her opinion about nepotism and Bollywood in an interview with Vogue. According to her, creating more and more opportunities, giving them a space to evolve and groom their talent only for those who really possess that talent.
If a person really has talent, there has to be equal opportunities for that person or other aspiring actors. This industry needs to have acceptance, then only it will reflected as inclusive. While explaining this, she said, “The industry can become more accessible for outsiders if we start creating equal opportunities, if you’re launching someone from the industry, make sure you’re also giving space to someone who doesn’t belong but is probably more talented.”
Also, she considered the fact that this will definitely need a lot of time. “Slowly, very slowly, the world is tilting towards talent and scripts rather than stars and big names”, she added.
Kriti’s this speech has resemblance to what Zoya Akhtar said few days ago. As Zoya Akhtar’s upcoming film casts Khushi Kapoor, Suhana khan and Agastya Nanda, these starkids and 4 other kids. With the launch of these three starkids, there are four other people who really have a good role on the screen. But the media has focused on Starkids and is now asking her about nepotism in her movie’s casting. But in fact, Zoya has really provided an opportunity for the remaining 4 members. The same point Kriti made in the interview with Vogue.
Recently, she was seen in the movie Ganapath along side Tiger Shroff and will soon be seen with Shahid Kapoor in a romantic film.
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Read on Lehren - “Creating Equal Opportunities Is Necessary”, Kriti Sanon On Nepotism In Bollywood