Raveena Tandon, once Bollywood’s ultimate glamour queen finds herself at the centre of controversy as her daughter Rasha Thadani prepares for her big-screen debut in the upcoming film Azaad. Directed by Abhishek Kapoor and slated for release on January 17, 2025 Azaad also stars Aaman Devgan with a special cameo by Ajay Devgn. However, instead of excitement the buzz around the film has taken a controversial turn for a few days now.
The debate began with the release of Uyi Amma a song featuring Rasha. While some praised her graceful performance others criticized the choice, calling it inappropriate for a 19-year-old newcomer. The song has ignited heated discussions online with many questioning Raveena Tandon’s decision as a mother.
Raveena Tandon Criticized Over Daughter Rasha ‘s Bold Moves
An anonymous Reddit post intensified the debate. The user wrote, “Raveena should be ashamed of herself for letting her teenage daughter be s**ualized like that in an item number.” The post further compared Rasha to Aaradhya Bachchan, stating, “Rasha is just five years older than Aaradhya. Watching this song makes me squirm. She still looks like a kid with a baby face.” netizens also argued that Raveena and her husband with decades of industry experience should have guided Rasha differently. The post continued, “Did they not have better scripts where Rasha could play the girl-next-door like Alia, Ananya, or Shraddha? She could have matured as an actor before doing item songs.” Adding fuel to the fire, the Reddit user referenced a clip of Raveena saying she couldn’t have performed the song as well as Rasha. The post concluded with, “Very messed up parenting decisions.”
Mixed Reactions
While some condemned Raveena Tandon ‘s daughter Rasha for her bold debut, others stepped in to defend the young star. One commenter on Reddit remarked, “For God’s sake, can we stop this Rasha Rasha Rasha tamasha?” Another expressed frustration at the repetitive discussions saying, “I’ve seen more posts about her than any other newcomer.”
Fans also backed Rasha, pointing out that the song was tastefully choreographed. One user wrote, “This isn’t vulgar at all. Rasha is a good dancer, and this will help her connect with the masses.” Another added, “Rasha comes from privilege and knew what she was doing. At 19, she’s old enough to make her own choices.”
Amid the uproar, both mother-daughter Raveena and Rasha have not addressed the criticism yet.
Read on Lehren - Raveena Tandon Faces Backlash For Letting Daughter Rasha Perform An Item Number In ‘Azaad’
source https://lehren.com/entertainment/bollywood/raveena-tandon-faces-backlash-for-letting-daughter-rasha-perform-an-item-number-in-azaad/209356/