In an unexpected clash between Kangana Ranaut directorial Emergency, and Rasha Thadani’s classic debut Azaad, the latter has pathetically failed to reach out to the audience. Despite Rasha Thadani being loved by the audience for her Uuyi Amma dance performance, the Abhishek Kapoor film did not come out stronger at the big screens. The box office collection for Azaad’s opening day was just half of what Emergency earned and the screens went quite empty despite carrying out a classic promotional campaign.
Azaad Box Office Collection: Day 1
Industry reporter Sacnilk reveals the box office collection of Azaad as 1.50 crores in the India Net collection. The film was beaten up by Emergency, as despite having a lukewarm start of 2.35 crores, the Kangana-film still managed to garner praises from a large section of the society. The film marks Ajay Devgn’s nephew Amaan Devgn and Raveena Tandon’s daughter Rasha’s debut in Bollywood, which also feature Ajay Devgn in a pivotal role. Though the songs definitely drew the attention towards the film, however the premiere was not stronger on Day 1, as Azaad had only 15% of occupancy in the theatres.
Movie Azaad, is directed by Abhishek Kapoor, and produced by RSVP. Talking about the starcast, the film features Rasha Thadani and Amaan Devgan as the leads, but it also stars Ajay Devgn, Diana Penty, Mohit Malik, and Piyush Mishra in major roles.
Must Read: Emergency Box Office Collection Day 1: Biggest Opening In 5 Years Yet Fails To Hit The Mark
Read on Lehren - Azaad Box Office Collection Day 1: Rasha-Amaan Debut FAILS At Box Office