Actress Gauahar Khan slammed an alleged negative PR for actor Ranbir Kapoor during the Raj Kapoor Film Festival. Ranbir was trolled for allegedly ignoring his wife, Alia Bhatt, and forcing her to sit in one of the videos. This is not the first time that the actor has come under the radar because of the same. He has often been criticized as a ‘misogynist’ or a ‘red flag’ after some videos and interview clips of him go viral. Now Gauahar has come out in support of him by sharing one of the videos made by his fan clubs.
Gauahar Khan Comes Out In Support Of Ranbir Kapoor
Talking about the same, Gauahar Khan shared an Instagram reel that shows Ranbir Kapoor holding Alia Bhatt’s hands and helping her sit and get up from the stairs at the event. Furthermore, he also helps his uncle, Randhir Kapoor in one of the videos. The Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani actor greets the event’s musicians and other staff members. The video was captioned as, “The side of Ranbir that social media doesn’t show, they cut a 2-sec clip out of context and run a whole lot of negative PR with it. Meanwhile, this is the reality. It’s crazy to me how easily people can be fooled.”
Gauahar Khan Calls Ranbir Kapoor A Gentleman
Sharing the video, Gauahar Khan wrote, “Seriously so unfair! I’m glad there are such posts that show how unfair certain posts are, that can unnecessarily put someone in a certain light. Ranbir is a gentleman.” For the unversed, Gauahar worked with the actor in the 2009 film Rocket Singh: Salesman Of The Year.
Recently, Ranbir Kapoor grabbed several eyeballs after he revealed at the International Film Festival that his wife Alia Bhatt did not know about Kishore Kumar the first time they had met. The internet was left in a frenzy and accused the actor of always landing his wife in trouble during his interviews. On the work front, Kapoor has a stellar lineup consisting of Love And War, Ramayan, Animal Park, and Dhoom 4.
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