Bollywood’s Hema Malini has often been in the news owing to her marriage with veteran actor Dharmendra. For the unversed, despite marrying Prakash Kaur in 1957 and having four kids, Sunny Deol, Bobby Deol, Vijeta Deol, and Ajeeta Deol, Dharmendra converted to Islam to marry Hema Malini in order to maintain both his marriages. While his second marriage with Hema created a huge uproar in the media and amongst his fans, his first wife, Mrs. Kaur, was the one to come to the forefront to silence them all and announce that she had no issues with her husband’s 2nd marriage.
After becoming the ‘Dream Girl’ of Indian Cinema, the beautiful actress fell in love with the veteran actor after spending a lot of time together and doing multiple films. While everyone is well aware of their love story – how it began and how it blossomed into a marriage – not many know that the actress wasn’t first ready to marry the ‘Sholay’ star. Yes, you heard that right!
During her appearance on Rendezvous with Simi Garewal, Hema Malini made quite a few revelations about her marriage to Dharmendra. Talking about the same, the actress in her interview also revealed that she didn’t want to marry the actor first but eventually proposed to him after falling in love with him. Yes, that’s true! ‘Basanti’ revealed to Simi Garewal that she wanted to marry a man like him, but not him.
Hema Malini confessed to Simi Garewal on her show that she continued to work with Dharmendra, not with any intention of wanting to marry the actor. She even used to think, “If at all I have to marry, I will marry somebody like him. Not him, definitely not. But it happened, so you can’t help it.”
However, with time, Hema Malini fell in love with the actor, so much so that one day, she asked him to marry her, and he readily agreed. “Naturally, no parents would like this kind of a marriage. But it was difficult to decide anything else for me. I was quite close to him, we were together for so long. And to suddenly think of somebody else to marry, I don’t think it is right. So, I called him and I said, ‘You’ll have to marry me now’. He said, ‘Yeah, I’ll marry you’. So that is how it happened,” Hema had said.
Hema Malini and Dharmendra are parenting their two daughters, Esha Deol and Ahana Deol, who had also appeared on Rendezvous with Simi Garewal with their mother. On the show, they also revealed how strict the actor was as a father.
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