Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone who earlier appeared in blockbuster hits “Jawan” and “Pathaan” has joined Rohit Shetty’s cop universe and will soon be seen in a never-seen cop avatar in Ajay Devgn starter “Singham Again”. Taking to her Instagram, the Bollywood actress recently shared a glimpse of her look from “Singham Again”. Sharing the poster she wrote, “Introducing…Shakti Shetty!”
Must Read: Pushpa 2-Singham Again Headed For Box Office Clash? Here’s What We Know
Reacting to the poster, many Bollywood celebrities shared their reactions. Taking to the comment section actor Hrithik Roshan wrote, “Amazing nicely done”, Anil Kapoor commented, “Single and multi”, and actor Ranveer Singh commented, “Aag laga degi”.
Apart from celebrities fans also shared their excitement and reactions a user commented, “FIRST FEMALE COP OF THE COP UNIVERSE IN BOLLYWOOD”, “Dead!
Is 2024 on your name? Cant Wait Can’t wait”, another commented, “Lady Cop aisi ho toh criminal banna padega”.
Singham Again Cast
Talking about the film, Singham Again will be the third addition to Rohit Shetty’s “Singham Universe”. It is reported that the film will feature Ajay Devgn in the lead alongside, Kareena Kapoor, Ranveer Singh, and Deepika Padukone.
As per the rumors, in the upcoming sequel, Deepika Padukone will essay the role of the female lead in the film. According to a Bollywood Hungama report, the actress is rumored to be seen playing the role of Ajay Devgn’s sister in the film.
Deepika Padukone Upcoming Movies 2023-2024
Meanwhile, on the work front, Deepika Padukone was last seen in the 2023 blockbuster hit films “Jawan” and “Pathaan” she will next be seen alongside Hrithik Roshan in their upcoming film “Fighter”. Deepika also has Kalki 2898 AD with actor Prabhas and Amitabh Bachchan.
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Read on Lehren - Deepika Padukone Unveils Her Fierce Look From “Singham Again”