
Developer Runs Flappy Bird Game in macOS Interactive Notifications

Flappy Bird in macOS Big Sur Notifications

Apple removed the Flappy Bird game from the App Store back in 2014. While the game has not made an official comeback, a developer has recreated it in a way that we would never have imagined. A developer reincarnated the Flappy Bird game in macOS Big Sur push notifications. The best part of all is that you can play the entire game in interactive notifications.

Developer Puts Flappy Bird Game in macOS Big Sur's Notifications

Neil Sardesai, the developer, and designer behind the art made use of the UserNotificationsUI framework in macOS Big Sur. He was able to put a clone of the Flappy Bird game created by PlayCanvas creator Will Eastcott into macOS Big Sur's notifications. The creator showcased the game on Twitter where Sardesai utilized the interactive elements into macOS Big Sur's notifications. The mouse clicks represent the taps in the game which allows you to advance forward.

Flappy Birds is a nostalgic title and worked more or less the same way as an endless runner. You create your own high score by passing as many obstacles as you can. You have to tap and keep the bird afloat and avoid hitting the pipes. If you run into a pipe, the game will end, but you can always start over.

While the game was pretty popular back in the days, it was later on removed from the App Store in 2014. The app was so popular that it was generating $50,000 a day all thanks to the in-app ads. Since the game's removal, we have seen numerous ripoffs that work more or less the same way. Now, you have the option available to play it in the notifications of macOS Big Sur.

That's all there is to it, folks. What are your thoughts on Flappy Bird running in the notifications of macOS Big Sur? Let us know in the comments.

The post Developer Runs Flappy Bird Game in macOS Interactive Notifications by Ali Salman appeared first on Wccftech.

source https://wccftech.com/developer-runs-flappy-bird-game-in-macos-interactive-notifications/

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