Bollywood star Govinda and wife Sunita Ahuja have always shared a beautiful bond with each other. The adorable couple always wow fans with their playful camaraderie, and fun banter that they continue to share both on-screen and off-screen. While the couple have completed almost 40 years of their togetherness, Sunita recently admitted that Raveena Tandon, one of the famous actresses sharing space with Govinda in the 90s, had a wish to marry Govinda. Govinda’s wife revealed how till present date, Raveena keeps saying to Sunita that if she wouldn’t have married Govinda, Raveena would have done it.
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Sunita Ahuja On Raveena Tandon’s Wish To Marry Govinda
In a recent interview, Sunita Ahuja shared about his husband Govinda’s on screen chemistry with different actresses and how cordial she is with them. Sunita Ahuja then told that actresses like Manisha, Shilpa Shetty and Raveena Tandon were a few of the many heroines, with whom she had a good time during outdoor shoots. Next, Sunita Ahuja playfully disclosed that Raveena Tandon wanted to marry Govinda. In her conversation she says, “Raveena bolti hai abhi bhi, chichi tu mujhe pehla milta mai tujhse shaadi karti.. Main boli leke jaa pata lagega tereko” She later also talked about Shilpa asking Govinda who shot him on the leg and Sunita jokingly replying if she would have done it , she would directly shoot him on the chest and not on the leg.
Govinda’s Wife Addresses Cheating Issues In A Marriage
Sunita Ahuja in the chat with Hindi Rush, also talked about feeling insecure about her marriage. She clearly mentioned that a man’s nature can change anytime, and earlier she was not at all possessive about her husband having affairs outside, during his early days of career. But now that he has turned 60, she feels insecure and is not sure if he would cheat on her or not. Although the remarks were made with an added light-hearted comedy, but it she not certify any claim that Govinda has had any extra-marital affairs in the past nor did she allege him of having one at present.
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Read on Lehren - Sunita Ahuja Admits Raveena Tandon Wanted To Marry Govinda, Talks About Cheating In Marriages