Bollywood has got a new face named ‘Rasha Thadani’, daughter of the 90s fame actress Raveena Tandon. Rasha has already begun the year with a banger performance on screen, and the public is in her awe even before her debut has released at the box office. With the new song ‘ooyi amma’, Rasha managed to raise the bar high, giving fans a visual treat of excellence, glamour and also the right magnetism.
As Rasha adds up to the list of leading bollywood beauties, netizens hail the actress to be capable enough to appear as the next “Katrina Kaif” of the era. Rasha is achieving the milestone at a young age of 19, choosing a platform that takes years of hardwork and patience. Sung by Madhubanti Bagchi, Uyi Amma shows Rasha performing some sizzling yet desi moves in the middle of hundreds of gun-wielding men. The song garnered almost 2 million views within a few hours, and netizens lauded the 19-year-old actress for her confident moves and expressions executed in the dance number.
Netizens are comparing Raveena Tandon’s adorable munchkin to Katrina Kaif in the song Chikni Chameli, and claimed that her screen presence was better than the other star kids on the block. Comments like “Junior Raveena” and “Next Katrina Kaif” have taken over the internet.
Adding up to the list of Triptii Dimri, Rashmika Mandanna and more, Rasha comes out as a new crush alert! The future Katrina Kaif, as they say or probably one who could even surpass the particular glamour in the industry, with the coming days. Rasha Thadani will be soon marking her debut with the film Abhishek Kapoor directorial ’Azaad’. Set in pre-independence India, Azaad features Ajay Devgn as a skilled horse rider who has a deep connection with his horse. In a dramatic turn of events, Ajay faces off against the harsh English armies and, during the chaos, his beloved horse goes missing. The responsibility of finding the lost horse falls on Aaman’s character. Rasha plays a character from a royal family, and the film also stars Diana Penty, who will be seen playing the role of Ajay’s love interest in the film.
Must Read: Top 5 Bollywood Songs That Crossed 1 Billion Views
Read on Lehren - New National Crush Alert! Rasha Thadani To BECOME The New Katrina Kaif Of Bollywood