Aditya Roy Kapur and Shraddha Kapoor are one of the most beloved on-screen pairs in Bollywood. From their sizzling chemistry in Aashiqui 2 (2013) to their heartfelt connection in OK Jaanu (2017), the duo left a lasting impression on audiences who were belovingly called as #AdiShra which still continues to be the talk of the town. Though they reportedly dated during the filming of Aashiqui 2 directed by Mohit Suri, they never officially confirmed their relationship and their eventual breakup disappointed fans. However, over the time their warm interactions at public events continue to fuel hopes that they might work together again. Now, a recent report by Filmfare has reignited that excitement, claiming the two may soon be reuniting for a new film with Mohit Suri’s film, the one who directed them in ‘Aashiqui 2’.
According to Filmfare, “The final details of the project are being worked out, but Aditya and Shraddha are eager to sign on the dotted line. Director Mohit Suri and his creative team are developing the story and screenplay. An official announcement is expected in the coming weeks.”
Fans are already over the moon. On Reddit one user exclaimed, “Fck. This gotta be true, please universe .” Another added, “God please let this be true ,” while someone else cheered with a excitedly clapping gif. Speculations are running wild with fans hoping it’s a sequel to Aashiqui or even a continuation of Aditya’s 2020 hit Malang. As a fan recalled Malang’s climactic twist commenting, “Apparently, the murder report karna hai, sir voice-over in the climax was her. And Suri posted a few years back that he was working on the sequel’s script.”
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Aditya Roy Kapur and Shraddha’s on-screen pairing is still celebrated after a decade and fans believe their reunion could set new records. While nothing is confirmed yet, the anticipation has already created a huge buzz in Bollywood.
On the work front of the actors, Shraddha Kapoor recently broke records with her blockbuster Stree 2, while Aditya Roy Kapur is gearing up for Metro… In Dino, a sequel to Life in a Metro (2007). If this reunion happens, it might just become one of Bollywood’s most iconic collaborations ever.
Read on Lehren - “God, This Gotta Be True!”: Aditya Roy Kapur And Shraddha Kapoor Reunion Rumours Left Fans Overjoyed!