India’s official entry for the 97th Academy Awards was Kiran Rao’s directorial film ‘Laapataa Ladies’, which raised immense hope among Indian audience that its our time but the film is officially come out of the Oscars race. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science (AMPAS) announced the shortlist for the Best International Feature Film category on Wednesday and the Hindi film failed to secure a spot among the final 15 contenders.
This omission has now sparked a debate online with many cinephiles and industry professionals questioning the Film Federation of India (FFI) decision making process. Social media platforms were abuzz with criticism, as users blamed the FFI for ‘humiliating’ the country’s global cinema aspirations.
Laapataa Ladies, a feminist drama set in rural India during the early 2000s follows the story of two brides who are accidentally swapped during a train journey. Despite the movie receiving immense critical acclaim and world premiere at Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) many argued it lacked the global appeal necessary for an Oscar bid. Critics had earlier also suggested that Payal Kapadia’s directorial Cannes-winning film All We Imagine As Light would’ve been as a stronger contender.
One user on X (formerly Twitter) wrote, “FFI snubbed AWIAL, destroying our chances. They need a complete revamp”. Another added, “The Film Federation of India continues to fail us. They need to be held accountable for these choices.”
Guess what is Missing or Laapata from the Oscars shortlist. Future lesson for that confederacy of dunces of Film Federation of India committee – An oscar campaign for your beloved desi film can't start in October. All We Imagine As Light had a direct path to an Oscar nod.
— Saurabh Vashist (@saurabhvashist_) December 17, 2024
Meanwhile, British-Indian filmmaker Sandhya Suri’s film ‘Santosh’ which talks about a widow’s journey as a police constable embroiled in a murder investigation, it features Indian actors Shabana Goswami and Sunita Rajwar has made it to the shortlist, representing the UK. Alongwith this the Delhi-set short film Anuja, co-directed by Adam J Graves and Suchitra Mattai also made it to the Live Action Short catergory.
The 97th Academy Awards will be held on March 2, 2025 with late-night host Conan O’Brien as the emcee. The final nominations will be unveiled on January 17.
Read on Lehren - India’s ‘Laapataa Ladies’ Fails To Make It To Oscar Shortlist, Sparking Outrage Online