After receiving a dissapointing review from fans and movie critics, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Malvika Mohanan starrer Yudhra opened on the screens averagely well on Day 1. According to industry specialist, Sacnilk, Yudhra on Friday opened with a total box office collection of 4.5 crores net collection in India. This is one of Siddhant Chaturvedi’s lowest earning at box office after performing well.
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Comparatively, the film garnered more attention than Kareena Kapoor’s The Buckingham Murders, which opened up with just 1.5 crores net collection. The Ravi Udwyar directorial had an overall 46.54% Hindi Occupancy which was probably more than the thriller mystery released last week. This film also features Raghav Juyal, Ram Kapoor, Shilpa Shukla, Gajraj Rao, and Raj Arjun in subsequently important roles. The production of the film was taken over by Ritesh Sidhwani, and Farhan Akhtar under the banner of Excel Entertainment.
After giving superhits like Kill and Gyaarah Gyaarah, this film pulled down Raghav’s performance to a level down.Fans expressed utter disappointment after watching the Kill star struggle to do good in Yudhra. So far the reviews tell that the film has got some amazing action sequences, worth watching. But, considering the overall storyline and online presence, it can be skippable as it fails to hold the audience’s grip. Well, an average weekend collection is anticipted by fans so far. The overall box-office collection is expected to take a rise during Saturdays and Sundays.
Read on Lehren - Yudhra Box Office Collection Day 1: A Better Start Unlike The Buckingham Murders