Meghna Gulzar’s directorial Sam Bahadur is finally out in the theatres. Starring Vicky Kaushal in the lead role as field marshal, “Sam Manekshaw”, the Bollywood biographical war drama film was released in the theatres on 1st December. Just hours after the release the early watchers shared their reactions and reviews on the film praising Vicky Kaushal for his performance in the film as Sam Manekshaw.
Sam Bahadur Twitter Review
Vicky Kaushal starrer Bollywood biographical war drama film, Sam Bahadur has opened up to positive reviews from netizens. Just hours after the release a segment of moviegoers and early watchers shared their reactions and reviews on Sam Bahadur.
Praising Vicky Kaushal for his performance in the film a user tweeted, “I am always ready, sweetie: – Field Marshal Sam Manekshaw What a performance by #VickyKaushal as Sam Bahadur Story based on War, glory, pride and sacrifice Watch #SamBahadur in theatres now.”
Impressed with Vicky Kaushal’s acting in Sam Bahadur another user tweeted, “Excellent! @vickykaushal09 This is going to be a big blockbuster, this is how you potray Army Officers, you didn’t played a role , you lived it just like you did in URI”
About Sam Bahadur
Directed by Meghna Gulzar, Sam Bahadur is an upcoming biographical war drama film based on the life of India’s first field marshal, Sam Manekshaw. The film stars Vicky Kaushal as Sam Manekshaw alongside Sanya Malhotra as Manekshaw’s wife and Fatima Sana Shaikh as Indira Gandhi. The film will be released in theatres on 1st December.
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Read on Lehren - Sam Bahadur Twitter Review: Fans Praise Vicky Kaushal’s Performance As Sam Manekshaw