Bollywood actor Randeep Hooda tied the knot with his long-term girlfriend and actress Lin Laishram on Wednesday, November 29. The couple had an intimate traditional Meitei wedding ceremony in Imphal with the presence of their family members and close friends. Randeep and Lin both shared their pictures from their wedding while many videos have also gone viral from their wedding.
Taking to their Instagram account Randeep Hooda and Lin Lasihram shared their wedding photos in a joint post. Sharing the pictures from their traditional Meitei wedding the couple wrote, “From today, we are One”.
On the other hand, a video from their traditional Metei wedding also went viral on social media. In the video, Lin Laishram was seen putting a garland on Randeep Hooda. While the guests were cheering the duo.
Ahead of their wedding the couple also went to a temple in Heingang, Imphal East district to seek blessings. Lin Lasihram shared the pictures of her visit to the temple with Randeep Hooda.
The couple also announced their wedding recently on their social media, the statement read, “Taking a leaf out of Mahabharata where Arjuna married Manipuri Warrior Princess Chitrangada, We are getting married with the blessings from our families and friends. We are filled with immense joy to share that our marriage will take place on the 29th of November 2023, Imphal, Manipur followed by a reception in Mumbai. As we set to embark on this journey, we seek your blessings and love for this union of cultures, for which we are forever indebted and grateful. IN LOVE AND LIGHT, LIN & RANDEEP”.
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Read on Lehren - Randeep Hooda-Lin Laishram Shares Pics From Their Traditional Meitei Wedding!