Ramleela set was the place where all the magic happened for Bollywood’s power couple – Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh. The duo fell in love on the sets of the film and a few years later, surprised everyone after they tied the knot. However, did you know that the first poster of Ramleela did not star Deepika and Ranveer but had Ranbir Kapoor and Sonam Kapoor? Wondering what we are talking about? Read on!
According to a recent interaction with Ramleela writer Garima, the OG poster had Ranbir Kapoor as Ram, sitting on a bike, while Sonam Kapoor was added for reference. Garima revealed that Sanjay Leela Bhansali was keen on casting Ranbir as Ram and even made a poster of him in character. The director offered the team two posters for reference, one of them starred Ranbir Kapoor.
“The first poster that we saw was Ranbir Kapoor on a bike in the avatar of Ram which he must have clicked many years ago when he was shooting a film with him. The heroine on the poster was Sonam Kapoor which could have been only a reference picture,” she shared as per a report by FPJ.
The writer further revealed that later Ranveer was brought on board and since Kareena could not do the film, Deepika bagged the role.
Kareena reportedly ditched Sanjay Leela Bhansali and walked out of the film just 10 days before the film was about to go on the floors. Later in an interview, Bebo called Sanjay Leela Bhansali a ‘nobody’ who kept running after her for movies. However, in the recent KWK episode, Kareena Kapoor revealed that she is open to working with Sanjay Leela Bhansali.
Earlier in an interview, Kareena had spoken about not working with SLB and said, “He was the one who insisted that I was the ideal actress for his film. Sanjay had signed me for the film, after which I did the photo shoot for him. And then he tells me that he is taking someone else. His movie never inspired me.”
Ramleela completed 10 years recently and Ranveer shared many unseen pictures from the set on Instagram. The actor wrote, “10 years of RamLeela – the one that changed our lives forever … in more ways than one! @bhansaliproductions @deepikapadukone @priyankachopra @r_varman_ #throwback #photodump.”
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source https://www.koimoi.com/bollywood-news/not-ranveer-singh-but-ranbir-kapoor-starred-in-the-og-ramleela-poster-as-ram-reveals-film-writer-in-shocking-revelation/