For some time, Bollywood buffs have been waiting with bated breath to know about an update about Krrish’s fourth Installment. Earlier reports were abuzz the filmmakers have been working in full force for Part 4, but no big update was announced until Hrithik Roshan said in an interview that they are facing roadblocks and we all should come together and send out a prayer. Despite fans waiting for Roshan to return as the Indian superhero, director Rakesh Roshan had earlier hinted at the possible delay of the fourth installment.
But before the makers share the actor’s first look as the Indian superhero, we have AI-generated photos of the actor, making us swoon on his oh-so-hot look. Scroll down.
Recently, we at Koimoi asked AI to generate Hrithik Roshan’s look for Krrish 4 with an updated mask and costume, and the outcome that has come is sure to blow your mind. The actor looks all ready, in an uber fabulous attire consisting of his futuristic black suit paired with black shades. Before they release Hrithik’s look, we bring to you their AI-generated photos, which you can’t afford to miss.
Take A Look At AI-Generated Krrish Look:
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Earlier speaking to Pinkvilla, Hrithik Roshan had shared an update on the 4th Installment and said, “I think, we should all get together and send out a little prayer. Everything is set (about Krrish 4) but we are stuck on one little technicality. Hopefully, we will overcome that by year’s end. Krrish 4 is definitely in the pipeline and it will happen real soon.”
On the other hand, Rakesh Roshan once opened up about the debacle of Bollywood films, following which he hinted that part 4 might get delayed. He had stated that the audience is yet to come back to the theatres fully and Krrish is going to be a big film made with a budget of Rs 200-300 crore in comparison to Hollywood superhero films that are made on budgets of like 500-600 million dollars.
Well, what are your thoughts on our AI-generated photos of Hrithik Roshan’s Krrish 4 look? Do let us know.
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