Bollywood actress Kriti Sanon recently stood tall amongst the National Award Winners who attended the prestigious event to collect the prestigious award. ICYMI, the actress, was bestowed with the ‘Best Actress’ trophy for her performance in Mimi. She shared the Best Actress award with Alia Bhatt, who received it for her performance in Gangubai Kathiawadi. While the Sanon parivaar is busy celebrating their daughter’s victory, an old Twitter is doing is going viral.
The Tweet in question is from the time when Kriti appeared on Karan Johar’s chat show Koffee With Karan 7 with her debut film ‘Heropanti’ co-star Tiger Shroff. After her appearance on the show, fans slammed the host for allegedly belittling the actress.
After Kriti Sanon and Tiger Shroff had appeared on Koffee With Karan 7, a user Tweeted about Karan Johar for pulling the actress down, the Tweet read, “I agree with #SonamKapoor #KritiSanon is underrated! For example if #AliaBhatt done #Mimi guarantee she’d get more credit, Kriti was amazing! A smart guy once said if an outsider does well their success is hushed but if an insider does well then it’s celebrated!#KoffeeWithKaran7.”
While it was a general Tweet made by a social media user, it grabbed everyone’s attention when it was re-shared by Kriti Sanon’s mother, Geeta Sanon. Karan Johar had earlier also left netizens irked when Sonam Kapoor had called Kriti and Kiara Advani an underrated actress, responding to which KJo had said, “They think they’re big stars in their head.”
I agree with #SonamKapoor #KritiSanon is underrated! For example if #AliaBhatt done #Mimi guarantee she’d get more credit, Kriti was amazing! A smart guy once said if an outsider does well their success is hushed but if an insider does well then it’s celebrated!#KoffeeWithKaran7
— RespectedGirl (@J3nni_A) August 12, 2022
#KaranJohar is trying so hard 2 belittle #KritiSanon in #KoffeeWithKaranS7 .1st in Sonam’s episode then in Kiara’s episode.He’s intetionally draging her name nd alwys ends the convo showing Kriti in neg manner. Bt guess wht she achieved evrythng without u nd u can’t pull her down
— Nahian Mahpara ||Adipurush🧡|| (@KritiS_NM) August 27, 2022
Another user had said, “#KaranJohar is trying so hard 2 belittle #KritiSanon in #KoffeeWithKaranS7 .1st in Sonam‘s episode then in Kiara’s episode.He’s intetionally draging her name nd alwys ends the convo showing Kriti in neg manner. Bt guess wht she achieved evrythng without u nd u can’t pull her down.”
Meanwhile, during the 69th National Award, Kriti Sanon posed for a happy picture with Alia Bhatt, which was clicked by Ranbir Kapoor. At the event, Karan Johar’s Dharma Production was also bestowed with an award for Shershaah.
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