Shah Rukh Khan is once again ruling the theatres and how! After Pathaan, fans were waiting with bated breath for one of the most-anticipated films, Jawan, helmed by Atlee and co-starring Nayanthara, Deepika Padukone and Vijay Sethupathi. Ever since it hit the big screens, it’s been on a record-breaking spree at the box office. However, a Twitter user made a shocking claim amid the grand opening. Scroll down for details!
Taking to Twitter, a user posted a meme and stated that it’s a copy of Ajith Kumar’s Arrambam. The caption wrote, “Hence Proved that #Jawan is the copy of #AjithKumar’s #Arrambam. #VidaaMuyarchi.”
Another user posted the official poster of ‘Jawaan Original Tamil Version – 1989’ suggesting that Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan is a film replica. Soon after the post went viral, netizens expressed disappointment, thinking it lacked originality and is a mix of different South films.
Commenting on the post, a user wrote, “But are you saying that director Atlee is the only one who succeeds by keeping the scenes from other films in his films?”
While another said, “So what they are saying is that Tamil cinema has not been in the image of other language films or in the image of other films, which has been directed with a new story and screenplay so far in Tamil cinema.”
A third netizen wrote, “Not possible…Atlee’s favorite is Mani ratnam or Vijaykanth sir movies…”
While fourth commented, “jailor padam kooda than vikram oda duplicate version.” A fithone wrote, “will cross arambham lifetime in less than 2 days
Check it out below:
ஜவான் ஒரிஜினல் தமிழ் வெர்ஷன் – 1989.
— மாடர்ன் திராவிடன் (@moderndravidan) September 7, 2023
Hence Proved that #Jawan is the copy of #AjithKumar‘s #Arrambam. 👀💥 #VidaaMuyarchi
— M̷ɾ. 𝐃 (@__Dhinu__) September 7, 2023
Meanwhile, Koimoi watched, reviewed and rated Jawan with 3 stars and an excerpt read, “The mummy-form SRK, who shatters every last of his enemies, is seen asking, “Main Kaun Hoon?” (Who am I?) with the expression those actors have who are brought back to the shows after being in a Coma for months because of the high-payment demand. A kid promises him, “I’ll find out who you’re when I grow up!” adding to the typical Atlee drama.”
Coming back, what are your thoughts on the Twitter user’s claim of Jawan being copied? Do let us know.
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