Gadar actress Ameesha Patel has been spitting fire ever since she started promoting the film. Right from her attacking director Anil Sharma for non-payment of dues to her indifferences with him, she has always dropped truth bombs. She recently revealed that Kareena Kapoor was thrown out of Kaho Naa…Pyaar Hai, and now she has spoken some hard facts about the Gadar director.
Ameesha has been giving a barrage of interviews claiming she will not do Gadar 3 if her role as Sakeena is not as strong as Sunny Deol’s Tara Singh. And she still stands by that fact. In fact, she revealed some dark truths about Gadar as well in a recent interview.
In a conversation with News 18, Ameesha Patel said, “To begin with, Sakina was created by Shaktimanji, the writer, and not by Mr. Anil Sharma. I was cast as Sakina by Zee, not Mr. Anil Sharma. For me, Gadar was always about Sunny, and for Zee. In fact, Mr. Nitin Kenny was the reason I was in Gadar 1, and Mr. Anil Sharma preferred Mamta Kulkarni over me. Anil Sharma wanted Govinda as Tara, but Zee wanted Sunny.”
Ameesha continued, “So yes, his and my choices are poles apart. Zee Studios and Sunny have always been the reason for me to do Gadar. The script, which was written by Shaktimanji, as Anilji always says, also, it was Mr. Shaktiman who created Sakina, not Anil Sharma.”
The actress, however, hit the director below the belt, who allegedly has been trying to relaunch his son Utkarsh Sharma with Gadar 2. Utkarsh, who initially played the young boy Jeete in the film, made his debut in 2018 with a film called Genius. It was also directed by Anil Sharma, but could not help Utkarsh on the work front.
Taking a brutal dig at Utkarsh Sharma, who plays Ameesha Patel’s son in Gadar 2, the actress said, ” I feel bad for Anilji since he tried to push his son Utkarsh a lot in Gadar 2, but eventually, Tara and Sakina stole the limelight. Utkarsh is a very sweet boy, and I got him into the industry, and his father is very sweet to keep promoting him. Let’s hope some bigwigs from the industry start signing Utkarsh, as he’s a sweet boy and no boy would like to only be signed by his dad.”
Well, that is indeed a hard blow for anyone trying to find his way in the industry. But hope Ameesha’s prayers are answered, and Gadar 2 paves the way to success for both the young actors Utkarsh Sharma and Simrat Kaur. In other news, the film is speeding towards 500 crore nett Box Office collection in India.
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