
Overwatch 2’s First New Hero Sojourn Showcased in Gameplay Trailer

Overwatch 2

The Overwatch 2 multiplayer closed beta kicks off later this month, and those who jump in will get to check out Sojourn, the franchise's first new hero character in over two years.  Sojourn is an offensive-focused character, who posseses a railgun that stores bonus energy for a charged shot depending on your accuracy, and a slide move that should help players get around the battlefield with ease. She's also from Canada, so she'll probably apologize to you after she kills you. You can check out Sojourn in action, below.

And here’s a quick animated short detailing Sojourn’s backstory.

Need to know more? Here’s an official rundown of Sojourn’s abilities

  • Railgun - The Railgun’s primary fire is a rapid projectile that generates energy on hit. The energy Sojourn generates from her primary charges up her secondary, which is a high-impact shot that consumes the stored energy. Sojourn can be a difficult hero to play—the more accurate your aim, the more effective you're going to be with her Railgun, resulting in a high skill ceiling with a lot of power weighted in her Railgun’s secondary fire.
  • Disruptor Shot - Disruptor Shot is an AOE ability that will snare enemies and eat away at their health. Sojourn can use this to increase the effectiveness of her Railgun. Early prototypes of this ability did massive damage to barriers, but the ability was finalized to complement her secondary fire.
  • Power Slide - Sojourn’s Power Slide adds remarkable mobility to her kit. It's a rocket-powered slide that can be canceled into a high leap at any time by jumping. Utilize this ability correctly and you’ll be able to quickly reposition Sojourn.
  • Overclock (Ultimate) - Sojourn’s Ultimate ability automatically charges her Railgun’s energy for a short duration and allows her shots to pierce enemies.

The Overwatch 2 closed beta kicks off on PC on April 26. In addition to getting to try out Sojourn, the beta will include four maps, the new Push mode, and of course, rebalanced 5v5 gameplay. You can sign up for the closed beta, right here.

The post Overwatch 2’s First New Hero Sojourn Showcased in Gameplay Trailer by Nathan Birch appeared first on Wccftech.

source https://wccftech.com/overwatch-2-sojourn-gameplay-trailer/

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