Fossil released its Gen 6 smartwatches earlier this year, with the latest Snapdragon Wear 4100+ chipsets and Google’s Wear OS 2. The watches started at $299 for 42mm sizes, and $319 for the 44mm options, but they have slowly fallen in price. They were on sale for Black Friday, with a $90 discount across both sizes, and now they have dropped even lower.
The 42mm and 44mm models of the Fossil Gen 6 with silicone watch straps are on sale for $204.00 right now, a discount of $95 from the original price, and $25 lower than on Black Friday. The models with stainless steel bands are a bit more expensive at $214.00, which is $105 below the MSRP and $15 lower than on Black Friday. Not bad at all.
- Fossil's Gen 6 smartwatches are now on sale at multiple retailers, starting at just $204.
All Fossil Gen 6 smartwatches have the same hardware, including a Snapdragon Wear 4100+ chipset, round AMOLED screens, 1GB RAM, and 8GB storage. You also get a heart rate monitor, an Sp02 sensor for checking blood oxygen levels, and faster charging than previous Fossil smartwatches. The only catch is that the watches are still running Wear OS 2, not the newer Wear OS 3 software currently found on the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 series. Google and Fossil say the watches will get Wear OS 3 sometime in 2022.
The Fossil Gen 6 is one of the better options for a Wear OS smartwatch right now, especially if you aren’t interested in Samsung’s software ecosystem and its One UI skin on the Galaxy Watch 4. As with previous generations, Fossil has multiple design styles to choose from, and you can swap out the bands with standard watch bands later. The side dial for scrolling through apps and menus is especially handy, which isn’t found on the regular Galaxy Watch 4 (the Classic has a spinning bezel) or the Mobvoi TicWatch 3 Pro Ultra.
Best Buy says the sale is only live until the end of today, and even though Amazon’s store listings don’t mention an end time, the discount will likely end around the same time as Best Buy’s sale.
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