With the launch of the new iPhone 13 Pro models, Apple has a lot to brag about. While the display might be considered a major update, the company has spared no opportunity to beef up the camera system at the back. Well, a new blind camera test has emerged that aims to put the iPhone 13 Pro against all major flagships in the industry at this point. To our surprise, the $399 Google Pixel 5a has beaten the mighty iPhone 13 Pro in this blind camera test. Scroll down to read more details on the camera test and what you should take out of it.
The iPhone 13 Pro Lost to Google's $399 Pixel 5a in MKBHD's Annual Blind Camera Test
The annual blind smartphone camera test was conducted by MKBHD on YouTube. The way the test works is simple - Marques simply posted photos taken by each smartphone on social media and asked users to vote for the one that looked best to them. After the results, the smartphones were out into a bracket with letters instead of names to move away from bias. What this will do is eliminate the biases of users towards their favorite brand. The iPhone 13 Pro survived the first round of the blind camera test against the Motorola Edge and earned its first victory in the past four years.
However, before celebrating the victory, the iPhone 13 Pro lost to the $399 Google Pixel 5a in the second round of the blind camera test. Surprisingly. the Google Pixel 5a also beats the newly launched Pixel 6 Pro. It is shocking to see how Google's budget phone took lead against the iPhone 13 Pro. Take note that Google makes use of software and various algorithms to paint a photo the way it comes out. Henceforth, the results are not based on hardware alone.
After beating the iPhone 13 Pro in the second round, the Google Pixel 5a went on to win the blind camera test against the OnePlus 9 Pro. If you are interested in watching MKBHD's entire blind camera test, be sure to check out the video below.
While the results are solely based on what users liked, the reality can be different. The pictures were voted based on how they looked to the naked eye on social media. Moreover, if you have already bought the iPhone 13 Pro for its camera note that it still records the best-in-class video on any smartphone.
This is all there is to it, folks. We will share more details on the subject, so be sure to stick around. Share your views with us in the comments section below.
The post Google’s $399 Pixel 5a Beats the Mighty iPhone 13 Pro in Blind Camera Test – Video by Ali Salman appeared first on Wccftech.
source https://wccftech.com/googles-399-pixel-5a-beats-the-mighty-iphone-13-pro-in-blind-camera-test-video/