
Leaked document affirms what many suspected: OnePlus is becoming an OPPO subbrand

OnePlus is becoming an OPPO subbrand, according to a newly leaked document of internal “talking points”. The document was leaked by Evan Blass of @evleaks fame after OnePlus announced that it was “further integrat[ing] [its] organization with OPPO” without elaborating on what exactly that meant.

The document leaked by Blass seems to be aimed at training public relations staff on how to respond to questions about the recent news. The talking points basically reiterate what we’re already heard from OnePlus officially, but there’s one interesting piece of information listed on the first page. When a representative is asked about the exact relationship between OnePlus and OPPO, the expected response is to state that “with the integration, OnePlus becomes a brand within OPPO[,] however, [it] will continue to function as an independent entity.” This pretty much describes what we already assumed the relationship to be between the two brands. The nature of this relationship is more out in the open when it comes to OPPO and Realme, so OnePlus seems to just be making official something many have already known.

The document further says that OnePlus and OPPO will operate independently and will even compete with one another in markets where both are present. Contact channels and product lines will remain as they are now. Likewise, customer data stored by OnePlus will still be stored by the brand and won’t be passed on to OPPO. OnePlus also says that the integration process began late last year with R&D integration and that the process is aimed to be completed this year.

Another interesting tidbit in the document tells whoever is reading the document to “not respond to any OS or ColorOS questions that target the integration announcement”. It instructs them to only use the following response: “We currently do not have any updates regarding the operating systems. Please stay tuned to our official channels”.

This could mean that big changes are coming to OxygenOS, though it’s too early to tell. If it were being discussed internally, OnePlus would not want public relations staff to give a definitive statement on the off chance that the company contradicts them later on. Even if a decision hasn’t been made yet on the fate of OxygenOS, it’s better to stay silent and not give any answer, which is possibly the tactic being employed here. OnePlus already switched its phones to run OPPO’s ColorOS software in China, so if you are worried that OxygenOS will become more like RealmeUI (which is basically a ColorOS skin), then there’s a chance that could happen here.

We’ve reached out to OnePlus for comment on the veracity of this leaked document and will update this article if we hear back. For reference, here’s what they said when we last asked them about the future of OxygenOS: “We don’t have any updates about HydrogenOS to share at the moment, but we can confirm that OxygenOS remains our operating system for all global devices.” – OnePlus spokesperson.

The post Leaked document affirms what many suspected: OnePlus is becoming an OPPO subbrand appeared first on xda-developers.

source https://www.xda-developers.com/oneplus-becoming-oppo-subbrand/

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