
Monster Hunter Rise Day-1 Patch 1.1.1 Detailed; Clocks in at 600MB and Packs Various Bug Fixes

Monster Hunter Rise

Monster Hunter Rise will be receiving a day 1 patch and Capcom has provided additional details about it.

The 1.1.1 update for this week’s Monster Hunter installment on the Switch will weigh in at 600MB. As noted by Capcom, the update is mandatory in order to play the game online and use DLC. Those having purchased the digital version of the game will require around 8GB of free space on the Switch. As such, digital players should make sure that there’s enough space available before downloading the update.

Release notes for this day-1 update are quite minimal and, aside from various bug fixes, only mention that it allows access to content from the game’s deluxe edition as well as the add-on content from amiibo and pre-order bonuses.

Monster Hunter Rise Day-1 Patch 1.1.1 Release Notes

Main Additions / Changes

  • Access to the content from the Deluxe Kit, as well as the add-on content from pre-order bonuses and amiibo bonuses.

Bug Fixes / Miscellaneous

  • Miscellaneous bug fixes have been made

Monster Hunter Rise launches later this week on March 26th for the Nintendo Switch. The game was announced back in September of last year.

Monster Hunter Rise is an action RPG that will transport players to the colorful Kamura Village, an all-new serene mountain locale that attracts visitors with its unique culture and innovative hunting technologies. After hunters equip their armor and select from one of the various weapon types, all-new hunting grounds await, including the ancient Shrine Ruins and more. Featuring maps with no loading times, the continuous gameplay ensures that players will remain on their quests as soon as the hunt begins without transitions between areas.

The core gameplay experience in Monster Hunter Rise will feel familiar to previous Monster Hunter entries, but it also introduces several new and exciting mechanics for hunters to master. For the first time ever, wire-based grappling actions can be performed by using a “Wirebug” while standing or in mid-air, adding an all-new level of aerial maneuverability to hunting strategies and attacks. As players defeat monsters and progress through the game, items from fallen foes can be used to craft unique weapons and armor that will increase their chances of future success and survival.

The post Monster Hunter Rise Day-1 Patch 1.1.1 Detailed; Clocks in at 600MB and Packs Various Bug Fixes by Aernout van de Velde appeared first on Wccftech.

source https://wccftech.com/monster-hunter-rise-day-1-patch-1-1-1/

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